July 30, 2012

I can see the light

 All I have to say is... I can see the light! The end is in sight! Just a few more days until my other half is home! To say the least, I feel like I'm going bonkers without him. I miss making him laugh and I miss him making me giggle. I miss him waking me up for work with sweet kisses or sneaking up on me while I'm getting ready. I miss him obnoxiously following me around the kitchen while I cook dinner and then cracking up with his little-boyish-"I'm-silly"-laugh. I miss cuddle and pillow-talk time; I miss him calling me nicknames (that mostly include "cool" bacterias of sorts that he has learned in med school); I miss praying together before meals and sleep, and our evening walks.... I could go on... and on... I'll spare you.

All this to say, I'll be a little MIA for a while. Life calls!

Hope everyone has a great week! 

(Tree photos from a stop at the Redwoods last summer. Random photo of me snapped by Andrew before he left- )


  1. just found your blog! Love these shots!! :)

  2. So glad the end is finally in sight!!! I'm so happy for you guys! :)


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