November 7, 2011

White Bean Chicken Chile, Cornbread & Apple Crisp

White bean chicken chile is a winner & is the easiest half-way home-made recipe on the block!  As we had a family get together this Sunday after church, I am counting Friday night's dinner as this Sunday's supper (for blogging purposes).  We had some friends over who are all affiliated with Andrew's med school in some fashion or a wife of a med student--like me. This crew gets together usually about once a week for some sort of meal. It's truly a blessing to have met people with so much in common & in a similar stage in life.

So, this week, I made a favorite meal. I learned it from my mom who makes if often. This recipe could not be easier and it tastes delicious!


White Bean Chicken Chile:

  • 1 packet of White Bean Chicken Chile seasoning (Difficult to find-- Have found at Walmart and Roth's --for Salemites--). So, when you find it, stock up!
  • 2 cans of white beans -rinsed and drained to decrease sodium intake
  • Shredded cooked chicken (I use canned chicken for convenience- but you can use chicken breasts as well). Can delete if you want it vegetarian-- which is also delicious.
  • 3-4 cups of water
  • Toppings to include: cheese, sour cream, tomatoes, avocados & cilantro
  • Can add lentils for increased protein & iron if desired 
Follow instructions on seasoning packet. There's probably a way to make your own seasonings, but nothing compares to the packet. The taste is perfect and it's SO easy! 

Enjoy with some cornbread and Apple Crisp for the perfect fall/winter meal. 

Makes great left overs!

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to trying this! Somehow I never got a chance to try mom's version. Probably because I've been galavanting around the world the last few years. Hmmm....


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