This is my favorite find of the week so far and I wasn't even looking! On my way home, I found 3 chairs and a table in the dump outside our apartment. Though the table was awesome, it was missing legs, and too large to carry up (plus... no room to keep it for now). So, we took the 3 chairs! I can't wait to re-cover them and paint them!
Photos from Clementine + Olive.

I can't decide between these colors: white, black, grey, robin's egg blue. What do you think?
I'm loving these colors for fabrics as well. This is the overall color scheme of our apartment with some brown as well. So many decisions! So glad to have driven by the dump today! Win for us!
I still have so much work to do in our apartment. Lots of organizing, rearranging, cleaning, etc. Some days, I just want to move everything out and start setting up from scratch. If only things weren't so heavy! I'll share the finished product when done.
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