July 8, 2014

38 Weeks | Baby Reyna

Officially feeling huge over here at 38 weeks. It literally looks (and feels) like I've smuggled a large pumpkin under my dress. The sweetest pumpkin you ever did see of course. 

Baby girl got to enjoy 4th of July celebrations with Andrew's side of the family this past week and I'm doing my best to endure this heat while avoiding all temptations to jump in the neighbor's pool. I may not be able to hold out much longer on the pool part. They must have sympathy on a 9-month pregnant lady, right?


The exhaustion and achy body persist but Andrew has been encouraging me that there's not much longer to go now. Though there are uncomfortable days, I really am above all just incredibly grateful that she has stayed put this long. That she is healthy. That she and I have shared every minute of every day for the last nine months together. Though I can't wait to see her face and have her out, I'll miss being connected in every way. I'll miss her sweet movements. I'll miss seeing my belly make large jumps and wondering if anyone else just saw it too. I'll miss those poky feet and knees kicking my ribs. I'll miss those little fists punching downward. And, those sweet hiccups... 
14 days to go until your due date, sweet babe. Any day now will do... 


  1. 38 weeks?!?!? I really can't believe that she is so close to being here! Can't wait to meet her and have Reid poke her sweet face. You are one beautiful mama, hermana.

  2. Hopefully the last of your weekly belly pics ;)

    I bet the pool would be amazing! I say try it!!


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