June 10, 2014

34 Weeks | Baby Reyna

Thirty-four weeks feels good. I'll take it. Baby girl is nearly 18 inches long and weighs roughly 4.75 pounds (size of a cantaloupe). That's a large jump from last week! She is still our little wiggle worm and gets the hiccups every day- which I love. I fear that my belly button might literally pop open and she'll squeeze her little foot out. I guess that would be a first. 

I'm happy to report that I may have finally figured out the key position for decent sleep. It's quite the science setting up pillows galore just so. Trust me, it makes all the difference. 

I'm feeling the usual aches and pains of pregnancy and seem to be having many more braxton hicks contractions this past week than my norm. I'm looking forward to being checked in 2 more weeks to see if any changes are happening. All things considered, I'm feeling well and all is moving along. We are down to 41 days to go until d-day. That sure doesn't sound like much! I started packing a hospital bag this past week and had some labor supporting talks with Andrew to try to get on the same page of how I think he can best support me. That sure made things feel real and much closer. Or, maybe it's because I seem to be taking care of many 35 weekers and new moms that I feel things are closer than they really are. Who knows. But, I'm going to try to really enjoy these last few weeks we have- as a family of 2, as an expectant mother, as a woman feeling every movement of the little miracle growing inside. She truly is a miracle. Every baby is. Part me and part the man I love most... Oh, I can't wait to meet her. 

Keep growing sweet girl. Just a little while longer now...

On our way to the coast, we made a pit stop at this beautiful field. It was a good spot to stretch our legs and get a few photos of course! I'm a sucker for open fields...

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