April 16, 2014

Trying new things

Tried my hand at flower gardening last week! I must document this because odds are that by next week, all will be dead. I'm not one to follow directions- this has proven difficult in baking, sewing, vegetable gardening, photography... hmm, okay, everything. Yet, I'm stubborn like my Father and like doing things my own way. It's the creative process that I enjoy. Following directions brings little fun. Maybe it's my pride that gets in the way. However, I'm sure that results would be far different (and far better) if I simply learned from professionals. All this to say, I love Ranunculus and sure love that we have some in our yard. Even if just for a short time.  Next up is our vegetable garden! I learned a bit from last year's tomatoes and hope to have a more successful year.


1 comment:

  1. i feel that exact same way about instructions... oh well ;). We've had our little garden plot going on three years now and I have pretty much found nothing that likes to grow in our little shady patch. But instead of researching it, I just continue to plant whatever I feel like, haha :). Hope your garden grows beautifully!


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