October 3, 2013

USS Midway | Sun & Sand Day 5

In the midst of the government shut down this week, this post seems fitting.  Our last day in San Diego graced us with sunny skies and one last attraction to check off our list. Andrew was especially excited to spend a few hours at the USS Midway. It actually might have also been my favorite activity of the trip. Besides the gorgeous beach lounging of course. 

While walking through the halls and decks, we tried to imagine the ship full of young sailors. Small quarters, no windows, strict schedules, and wisps of sea breeze. What these sailors, officers, captains, pilots, etc., do every day is so honorable. I'm not sure I could handle the lack of windows...

We like history, especially military history. We like movies about it, books about it, and apparently, we like museums about it. 

Andrew particularly loved all of the planes and helicoptors. He took his time looking at each one. I sat back and enjoyed watching his eyes light up. So precious.


I still really want to watch Top Gun after our visit. Though Andrew has to work, maybe we can squeeze a movie date night into this weekend. Thank you sunny San Diego for a great 5 days! We needed this little get away.

Let's hope our government can get everything figured out real soon. I didn't realize until yesterday that this shut down means Andrew doesn't get paid... (duh!) and would have to leave any away rotations he is at ASAP as ordered. Thank goodness he's not at an away rotation right now.

Still so thankful to be a part of this great nation.

1 comment:

  1. These are such beautiful and vibrant snapshots of y'alls lil getaway :] Your blog is such a happy blend of life, love and bliss. So happy to stumble on your corner of the interwebs!


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