January 25, 2012

Six Months

 Well, we officially made it to 6 months of marriage last week & you know what that means....

We got to open our 6 month anniversary card that our wedding guests wrote us as a table activity! Here's the post originally explaining this assortment of cards we get to open over the next 50 years! It's crazy to think about 50 years together. WOW!

I was going to put a list up of all the things we've learned about each other over the past 6 months.... but after I asked Andrew... I decided I better leave this list off the blog! His answers were hilarious, but not entirely fit to share. We both got a good laugh after this conversation.... However, we decided that our favorite time of the day is:  Pillow Talk Time. It may only happen once a week, but, talking before going to sleep about our days, dreams, wishes, or what we would do if we were the Bachelor or Bachelorette is priceless (This Bachelor/Bachelorette convo was lengthy-- He swears that he'd still end up picking me in the end). Yeah, he knows the right answers already!

Overall, it's been the most fabulous, wonderful, fantastic, exciting, loving, & blessed 6 months of my life.
If you're needing a wedding table activity, I recommend this one! Our cards thus far have been all of sweet, kind, thoughtful, hilarious, unreadable (handwriting difficult to read, but we made good guesses), & one even included a poem that was composed of each person writing a random line (it made little sense, but gave us a good laugh). We look forward to reading more over the years. Now, we just have to be sure to remember where they are placed & remember to open them!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you did these envelopes! What a special thing it will be to open them throughout the months and years. On the pillow talk note, r and I have started leaving an index card on the table each day to keep track of the highlights (or lowlights) of the day so that we can share them with each other when we do get a chance to talk at the end of the week. His card always has more things than mine. :). Love you!


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